Other teas, such as black tea and oolong tea, also has a large content of polyphenols, which are useful as an antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti virus. But the difference with other teas, green tea is rich in polyphenols called catechins. These catechins than useful as an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, in a recent study mentioned may also affect body fat stack and cholesterol levels. Catechins will trigger weight loss by burning calories and reduce body fat.
Research conducted in Japan, with the aim to see the effect of catechins in reducing body fat and weight loss of 35 men. These men had a body weight and waist circumference of more or less the same. Some men for three months of taking a bottle of oolong tea, with an added green tea extract containing 690 mg catechins. The other group was given a bottle of oolong tea with 22 milligrams of catechins. During these three months, both groups were given the same food with the amount of calories and fat are the same, so the overall total received the same diet.
After three months showed men who consumed green tea extract weight loss more (2.4 kg compared to 1.3 kg) and a decrease in body mass index (BMI) were significantly, waist circumference and total body fat. LDL, bad cholesterol, also decreased.
Everything you have stated here backs up my own research. There are some great ways to make your own green tea as well as some great green tea products at greentealose.com